What’s the Right Amount of Debt For Real Estate?

What's the Right Amount of Debt For Real Estate?

What’s the Right Amount of Debt For Real Estate?

Real estate investing can be an incredible way to build wealth, but it’s not without risks.

One of these risks is taking on too much debt.

Taking on the right amount of debt for real estate investing is crucial to avoiding financial disaster and maximizing potential returns.

Can You Have Too Much Debt in Real Estate?

Simply put, the more debt you have, the riskier your investment becomes.

If you borrow too much money and your property doesn’t generate enough income to cover your mortgage payments, property taxes, maintenance costs and other expenses, you could end up in a financially precarious situation.

On the other hand, if you don’t borrow enough money, you might miss out on major opportunities to maximize your returns.

This is why finding the right balance between risk and reward is so important when deciding how much debt to take on for real estate investments.

In short, you can have too much debt. But you could also have too little debt depending on your goals.

Understanding Debt-to-Income Ratio

When we’re talking about debt in any context, it’s important to have a good understanding of your debt-to-income ratio (DTI).

Your DTI is a measure of how much debt you have compared to your income.

This is an important factor for lenders when deciding whether or not to approve you for financing.

To calculate your DTI, add up all of your monthly debt payments and divide that number by your gross monthly income. The resulting percentage is your DTI.

For example, if you have $1,500 in monthly debt payments and make $5,000 per month before taxes, your DTI would be 30%.

A high DTI can make it more difficult to secure financing for real estate investments.

Lenders typically prefer borrowers with a lower DTI because it indicates they are better able to manage their finances and are less likely to default on their loans.

Or, put another way, you have more room for error.

How DTI Affects Your Ability to Secure Financing

If you have a high DTI, lenders may view you as a higher-risk borrower and may require a larger down payment or higher interest rate on the loan. This can greatly limit your ability to acquire more real estate.

That’s why it’s essential to manage your debts responsibly in order to maintain a healthy DTI and increase your likelihood of success in real estate investing.

Very few lenders will lend to you beyond a 45% DTI. And terms will typically get a lot worse after that point.

Factors to Consider When Deciding on Debt Levels

Deciding on the right amount of debt can be a tricky balancing act.

As always, it starts with your risk tolerance:

Risk tolerance and personal financial goals

Before taking on any debt for real estate investments, it’s important to assess your risk tolerance and personal financial goals.

Are you comfortable with the level of risk involved in taking on more debt?

What are your long-term financial goals?

Will taking on more debt help or hinder those goals?

If you’re someone with a low risk tolerance or whose financial goals prioritize stability over potential high returns, it may be best to take on less debt.

On the other hand, if you’re comfortable with higher levels of risk and have ambitious financial goals, you may be comfortable taking on more debt.

Property type and location

The type and location of the property you’re considering investing in should also play a role in determining how much debt is appropriate.

For example, if you’re investing in a rental property located in a growing area with high demand for rentals, you might be more comfortable taking on more debt since rents will continue to rise for the foreseeable future.

Conversely, if you’re investing in a property located in an economically depressed area with low demand for rentals, taking on too much debt could put your investment at risk.

That said, if you can get an amazing deal on the property, even if it’s in a worse area, you can potentially take on a higher amount of debt.

It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach.

Debt Terms

The terms on the debt matter.

Let’s say there are two people. One of them has $250,000 in debt. The other has $1,000,000 in debt.

At first glance, you might quickly assume that the $1,000,000 debtor is undeniably in a worse position.

But that would be ignoring the terms on their respective debts.

If the $1,000,000 debtor’s balance is all on a fixed-rate, 30-year term at a 7% interest rate, that would mean his monthly payments would be about $6,600 per month.

That would be significantly lower than the $250,000 debtor if he or she was on a 3-year term at 12% interest (who has payments of about $8300 per month).

So who is really in the “worse” position?

Sure, the $250,000 debtor has less debt to worry about. But the terms are significantly worse than the $1,000,000 debtor.

All this is to say that the debt amount itself is only one factor to consider. The terms of the debt matter enormously, too.

Pros and Cons of High vs Low Debt Amounts

Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking on More Debt

One of the most significant advantages of taking on more debt in real estate investments is the potential for higher returns.

Investors often call debt “leverage.”

That because your returns are “leveraged” when you use debt.

When you take out a larger loan, you have more money to invest upfront, which can result in greater profits down the line if the property increases in value or generates a high rental income. But you only had to invest a fraction of that money yourself.

Your upside is expanded.

But that leverage pushes both ways.

If property decreases in value or rental income falls short, you’re still on the hook for the entire balance.

So your downside is expanded too.

Debt is a magnifier. It magnifies the upside and the downside.

How Low Debt Can Provide Stability but Limit Potential Returns

Taking on less debt can provide stability for your real estate investments by reducing the risk of defaulting on loans. With lower monthly payments and less interest to pay over time, you have more flexibility with cash flow management and can better weather unexpected expenses or dips in rental income.

Low levels of debt can also improve your credit score by minimizing outstanding balances relative to available credit.

However, limiting debt amounts also means limiting potential returns, since debt is a magnifier.

And with less capital upfront, it may be challenging to find profitable investment opportunities that meet both your financial goals and risk tolerance level. You may need to sacrifice quality or location when selecting properties that fit within a lower budget range.

Strategies for Managing Debt in Real Estate Investments

Refinancing Options: A Great Way to Lower Your Monthly Payments and Increase Cash Flow

One of the most effective ways to manage your debt in real estate investments is by refinancing your mortgage.

Refinancing can help you save money by lowering your monthly payments and reducing interest rates.

This, in turn, increases your cash flow, giving you more money to invest in other areas.

However, it really only makes sense to refinance if you can improve your debt terms. And that’s not always possible as interest rates fluctuate up and down over time, and mortgage programs can change.

But it’s a great option at least some of the time.

Paying Down Principal Balance: Increasing Your Equity

Another strategy for managing your debt in real estate is paying down your principal balance.

By paying more than the minimum monthly payment, you can reduce both the amount of interest paid over time and shorten the duration of your loan.

You’ll build equity in the property more quickly while saving on interest. This can be an especially attractive option if you have a higher interest mortgage.

Reinvesting for Cash Flow: Decreasing Your Debt-to-Income Ratio

Sometimes the best way to manage a debt problem is to simply earn more.

With rental properties, that might mean reinvesting into a unit to increase its rental value.

In the personal sense, it might mean increasing your skills and looking for a higher paying job or business opportunity.

Either way, if you can increase your income, you’re decreasing your debt to income ratio. That gives you more financial flexibility to run with.

And you could always use that extra cash to pay down more debt.

Cash flow gives you options!


Let’s recap:

First, having a high debt-to-income ratio can limit your ability to secure financing for future investments.

Second, there are many factors to consider when deciding on the right amount of debt for your real estate investments, including your risk tolerance, personal financial goals, and property type & location.

Third, there are pros and cons to both high and low levels of debt in real estate investing.

So what is the right balance between risk and reward when it comes to real estate debt?

The answer is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

If you’re comfortable taking on more risk for potentially higher returns, then a higher level of debt may be right for you. However, if stability and long-term cash flow are your priorities, then a lower level of debt might be best.

The key takeaway here is that finding the right balance between risk and reward requires careful consideration of all factors involved in real estate investing.

Whatever the case, tread carefully!

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Jack Duffley

Jack Duffley is a real estate investor and attorney based in Houston, TX.

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